Route to update 500,00 Collective Bargaining Agreements begins

The Labor and Social Prevision Secretary, (STPS by its acronym in Spanish) leaded the first session of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the Reform to the Labor Justice System, it also was informed, to the National Commission of Regulatory Improvement (Conamer by its acronym in Spanish), the Protocol to be followed by unions and enterprises to update more than 500,000 Collective Bargaining Agreements, as established by the labor reform published on May 1, 2019 and Annex 23 A, of T-MEC.

On July 1st of this year the Protocol for the ratification of existing labor agreements was publish in the Official Gazette. This protocol, in a short summary states the following:

Implementation of the Labor courts

Two months after the promulgation of the labor reform there are still doubts about its implementation, specifically with respect to the creation of the Federal Conciliation and Registration Center and the Labor Courts, due to budgetary resources.

Regarding that, the head of the Labor and Social Prevision Secretary, Luisa Maria Alcalde Lujan, said to the labor secretaries of the states that “we have to be very clear on identifying which parts of the implementation require a budget and which do not, because thinking that we cannot do anything due to the lack of clarity with respect to budgetary matters does not help”, she affirmed.

To update the existing collective bargain agreements, “they tell us that a labor inspector has to attend; however, if there are none, in which way a contract will be legitimize? There is still a risk they are terminated”, commented Ricardo Martínez Rojas, laboer legal expert form the firm De La Vega & Martínez.

Fernando Salgado, deputy secretary general of the CTM, commented that if the process in which the new labor justice system will be implemented is not clearly known, there is a risk of “having to start issuing time extensions for its implementation (Maria del Pilar Martinez).